
Sony's Mylo - RemiMISSESniscing Product

Still reminiscing on what might have been a blockbuster? Up right now, the brilliant minds behind Sony's Mylo should have sort the potential of the product.

Mylo short for “My Life Online” is one of Sony’s reMISSESniscing devices that have long been in the shadow of Apple’s iPhone. Mylo was released a year before Apple take the world by storm for its iPhone.

The people behind Mylo should have “repaired” the product’s capabilities. They should have added more applications to exceed the capabilities of some cellular phones which also utilize instant messaging, web surfing, playback and sharing of media files.


Will Lumia 900 Add Another Gem Slot To Nokia’s Product Lines?

"The reviews have been fantastic." According to Ballmer, referring to Nokia’s new “baby on the block” – the Lumia 900 : newest addition to Nokia Lumia series.

Nokia, listed as number 14 in the Best Global Brands of 2011, and ranks number 14 in Europe’s best brands, unveils their new baby – the Lumia 900. This Windows-powered phone is believed to threaten the future of Apple and Android smartphones.

Lumia to target the US on January 11, 2012

First introduced in October, the Lumia series went viral in Europe, India and Hongkong. US is their next target offering Lumia 710 at a price of $49 (must be under T-Mobile service contract) on January 11.

Lumia 900

Just like all the other Lumias, Lumia 900 runs on Windows mobile software with loads of popular mini-applications. Price is not yet known. However, this windows mobile run software smartphone is accessible at first on the latest generation 4G LTE network of AT & T.

The Lumia 900 display is 4.3 inch high-definition with front and rear facing cameras. A wide selection of cool applications made exclusively for Lumia 900 includes 20 videogrames from console industry colossus electronic arts.

Planning to get a better deal that can definitely strike a good price in the US, Lumia 900 has an element of charm that can also take China and Latin America by storm.

Nokia is all looking forward to continuing to work on extending Windows application across its full range of mobile phones - applications to share pictures and other documents via the internet “cloud” is part of the plan.