
Internet of Things (IoT) and the Impossible Dream

When did life get to be so easy?

Several years ago, if you want to shut the TV off you had to do it manually.

Several years ago, two or more subscribers shared a single telephone line (some sort of social networking? )

Several years ago, Morse code was used to send messages.

Several years ago, these changes in technology were considered the most dramatic. However, the growing interaction in the modern world has got something more useful: the Internet of Things (IoT.)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a unique code identified for a thing. This code is the virtual representation in an internet-like form. Conceptualized in 1999 by Kevin Ashton, the concept of IoT became widespread via the Auto-ID Center where Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is required to run the Internet of Things.

The vision of the internet of things is to make the impossible possible. With the help of determined developers, and engineers Internet of Things is likely to become a race to discover all searchable things – any idea is a good subject to automate.

Hmm, are you thinking of wiring your philandering husband? Want to know who owns those smudge of lipsticks on his neck? Save some cash for the (soon-to-be) apps.

The Future is Clear. Any Thing can be Networked

Would you believe your luggage can now say, “I’ve arrived?” Though not literally, the Bag-claim travel application is an advancement of luggage tags. A user only needs an iPhone that has wireless receiver. This application is very useful especially for frequent travelers: you no longer have to worry about your luggages even if you leave the airport for a cup of coffee.

How about your eyes instead of fingers to write and send messages? That will come by year 2013. A new technology designed by Danish developers targets the eyes to control and write messages. Aha! Sending messages no longer have to be with codes or fingers. Those Danish developers are now working in partnership with a suitable smartphone producer to make the application public.

According to John Weigelt, national officer at Microsoft Canada, anything can be networked. This is possible when computers, vehicles, appliances and houses begin talking. If you want something just push a button and that “something” suddenly appears. Hopefully, those handsome D.I.’s can be “ordered” in one press. Yayy!

Potential Downside

There are not millions but billions of things that can be networked in the world— via private intranets and the Internet. In 2008, internet users already exceed the number of people on earth. By year 2020, 50 billion smart phone users will be wired.

Do you think there is a potential downside to this techno-revolution? There’s lots, however, the most innovative, the smartest tech guys are working round the clock – expect a robot in every home by 2020.


China Zipped Shut its People. Next Target: Search Giants - Google and Microsoft

Just like the transgenic foods that scientists create to increase production to go with the world’s growing needs; powerful China forces meet head on with their ambition to topple the search giants such as Google and Microsoft.

An Irony of the Modern World

On January 12, 2010, Google’s corporate infrastructure was attack like a tornado hit it. The goal was to gather data from Gmail accounts particularly of activists from China, Europe and other countries that supports them.

While China have successfully engineered a zipper that zipped shut their people’s mouths, there is no way they could bring down Google’s advocacy of free speech. China has long been mandating Google to filter search results in their country. However, Google stands firm in upholding the rights of the people to express their thoughts without any fear or apprehension.

Google even come to a point of overthrowing Baidu (China’s top search engine.) because they believe (did not even think twice) that China is responsible for the attack on its systems.

Other Big Companies

Adobe, unfortunately also can’t laze around in the hammock because they experienced a similar breached of user’s data. Though they did not publicly announce China has something to do with it, they posted a security incident report to let its customers know about what happened.

Microsoft on the other hand, immediately released a security advisory warning their users about the vulnerability of internet explorers 6, 7 and 8 though it was IE 6 that is inherently more vulnerable.

How to Survive

In order to survive and play safe, internet users are advised to immediately update their antivirus software, regularly check their firewalls security control and refrain from using IE 6: advised to upgrade to IE7 or 8 or better to use other alternative browsers such as Google Chrome. Google chrome has features that are designed to sandbox untrusted data.

Though this bad news will just sort of die down, the good news is people are now aware that they should be involved in keeping their data safe.